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Assembly Source File
1,331 lines
V286 EQU TRUE ; No XMS on 8088 PC's!
; Nifty James' Famous Expanded Memory Disk Drive
; (C) Copyright 1987 by Mike Blaszczak. All Rights Reserved
; Version 1.01 of 24 May 1987
; Version 1.10 of 25 May 1987
; Version 1.15 of 31 May 1987
; Version 1.20 of 16 Oct 1987
; Modified Terje Mathisen 20 March 90
; Version 1.02 of XMS-compatible NJRAMDX 14 Sep 1990
; Version 1.40 of 23 Jun 1991 by Mike Blaszczak
; Shareware $15 Please contribute!
; Assemble with
; (Comment out V286 EQU TRU for 8088 version.)
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ASCII Characters
bell equ 7 ; bell character
tab equ 9 ; tab character
lf equ 10 ; linefeed
cr equ 13 ; carriage return
space equ 32 ; space
eos equ '$' ; end of DOS string
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; I/O Ports
Speak equ 061h ; speaker port
SpeakMask equ 011111110b ; mask for speaker set bit
SpeakToggle equ 000000010b ; toggle bit for the speaker
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; DOS Calls
; These are DOS functions used by the driver.
DisplayOut equ 002h ; call to print a single character
PrintString equ 009h ; call to print a '$' string
GetDOSVersion equ 030h ; call to get the DOS version #
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; XMS Routines
; These are the XMS functions that we use. (These are specific functions
; of the XMS call.)
X_Counts equ 08h ; determine free/total mem
X_Alloc equ 09h ; open, allocate, obtain handle ID
X_Version equ 00h ; get the XMS version number
X_Move equ 0Bh ; move an XMS block
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Driver Equates
; This is the media descriptor byte. Since our RAM drive is not 2 sided,
; does not have 8 sectors per track, and is not removable, we use 0F8h.
; At least, that's what the IBM DTR manual says.
MediaD equ 0F8h
; These are equates used by the driver. They are all status and
; error flags, as defined in the DOS Technical Reference Manual.
; FEDCBA9876543210 <- BIT NUMBERS
errorflag equ 01000000000000000b ; error bit flag
busystat equ 00000001000000000b ; busy status bit flag
donestat equ 00000000100000000b ; done status bit flag
err_writeprot equ 0 ; write protect violation
err_badunit equ 1 ; unknown unit number
err_notready equ 2 ; device not ready
err_unknown equ 3 ; unknown command
err_CRC equ 4 ; error CRC command
err_reqlen equ 5 ; bad request length
err_seek equ 6 ; seek failure
err_badmedia equ 7 ; bad media
err_badsector equ 8 ; sector not found
err_badwrite equ 10 ; write fault
err_badread equ 11 ; read fault
err_general equ 12 ; general failure
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Structure Definitions
; The structures defined here are used to find information in the
; various request header formats. Of course, being structures, they
; don't take up space... they are used to define offsets for the
; addressing of the request header.
rq equ es:bx ; base address used in routines
; -- Request Header (General Format)
rhead struc
rlen db ? ; length of the structure
unitn db ? ; unit number
command db ? ; command code
status dw ? ; status code (returned by us)
db 8 dup(?); reserved bytes
rhead ends
; -- Request Header (INIT Command)
inithead struc
db (type rhead) dup (?)
units db ? ; number of units
ndadro dw ? ; ending address offset
ndadrs dw ? ; ending address segment
bpboff dw ? ; BPB offset pointer
bpbseg dw ? ; BPB segment pointer
taglet db ? ; drive tag letter
inithead ends
; -- Request Header (Media Check)
mediahead struc
db (type rhead) dup (?)
media db ? ; our meida descriptor byte
change db ? ; changed media flag
mediahead ends
; -- Request Header (Build BPB)
bbpbhead struc
db (type rhead) dup (?)
db ? ; media descriptor byte
baoff dw ? ; transferr buffer address offset
baseg dw ? ; transferr buffer address segment
dw ? ; BIOS parameter block pointer
dw ? ; BIOS parameter block pointer
bbpbhead ends
; -- Request Header (Read and Write)
rwhead struc
db (type rhead) dup (?)
db ? ; media descriptor byte
tbaoff dw ? ; transferr buffer address offset
tbaseg dw ? ; transferr buffer address segment
count dw ? ; sector count
strtsec dw ? ; starting sector number
rwhead ends
; With these headers defined as they are, access to the request header
; and command info fields is greatly simplified. By setting ES:BX to
; point to the request header, the information can be easily referenced
; by using constructs such as
; mov [rq.count],ax
; or
; mov al,[rq.command]
; Note that any part of the program can easily reference any particular
; command's structure, since the line
; db (type rhead) dup (?)
; makes all the command-specific structures "equivalent".
; XMS Extended Memory Move structure
ExtendedMemoryMove STRUC
NrOfBytes dw 0,0
SourceHandle dw 0
SourceOffset dw 0,0
DestHandle dw 0
DestOffset dw 0,0
ExtendedMemoryMove ENDS
; Check to see if this is the 286 version
ifdef V286
; if1
%OUT Enhanced processor version
; endif
ifdef PCL
; if1
%OUT for the PC's Limited 286/386
; endif
; if1
%OUT Standard Version
; endif
; This macro is used during debugging. It prints a single character
; via the BIOS screen interface, and leaves the registers unchanged.
ifdef DEBUG
; if1
%OUT DEBUG Version
; endif
PrintChar macro Char
ifdef PCL
push ax
mov al,Char
out 095h,al ; put it digit 3 of smartvu
pop ax
push ax ; save the regs
push bx
push dx
mov ah,15
int 010h ; get the current page
mov al,Char
mov ah,14 ; print the character
int 010h
xor dx,dx
mov ah,0 ; also to printer
mov al,Char
; int 017h
pop dx
pop bx ;restore the regs
pop ax
PrintChar macro Char ; if not debugging, blow it off
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Public declarations for SYMDEB
; These are public declarations included to allow SYMDEB to know where
; various lables and addresses are. They are only needed for debugging,
; and serve no other useful purpose.
IF 1
PUBLIC NextPlace
PUBLIC Attrib, JumpTable, TopCommand, RBPoint, RBPointOff, RBPointSeg, SaveSS
PUBLIC SaveSP, StackTop, STRATPROC, Strategy
PUBLIC INTPROC, Interrupt, FreakOut, IOCTLInput, ReadNoWait
PUBLIC InputStatus, InputFlush, badcommand, BigLog, MC, MediaCheck
PUBLIC BBPB, BuildBPB, BPBArray, OurBoot, OurBPB, SecSize, SecPerCluster
PUBLIC RDirLen, DiskSize, SecPerFAT, BootCode
PUBLIC TestValues, RangeError, SPEAKERCLICK, MakeClick
PUBLIC SpeakerFlag, LastResident
PUBLIC EatingWhite, GotOption
PUBLIC NoBump, NotSilence, PagesLoop, LastDigit, NotPages, NotUseAll
PUBLIC Unrecognized, EndOfLine, BigBust, ReTry
PUBLIC GoodCombo, WipeOut
PUBLIC CalcDiskFree, ClickOkay, MsgOkay, InitFail, GenFail, HowMuch
PUBLIC RqdPages, MajorVersion, OurVolume, Banner, General
PUBLIC NoEMMThere, EMMError, Init, NoMem, TooBig, BadOption, NoClicking
PUBLIC Installed, DriveName, InstalledB, Installed2, UsedSpace, Bin2Dec
PUBLIC Bin2DecLoop, Bin2DecDigit, WorkAreaL, WorkAreaH
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
driver segment para public
assume cs:driver,ds:driver,es:driver,ss:driver
org 0 ; drivers begin at zero
firstplace equ this byte ; this is the first byte
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Device Header
; This area contains the header information. It is used by DOS when loading
; the device driver, and it contains information used to describe the
; driver to the DOS environment.
NextPlace dw -1,-1 ; pointer to next driver
Attrib dw 00010000000000000b ; attribute word
; device is non-ibm and block mode
; doesn't support IOCTL, is not
; a network device
dw offset Strategy ; the strategy entry
dw offset Interrupt ; the interrupt entry
db 1,'NJTMDSK' ; Nifty James/TM' Disk!
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
JumpTable label word
; This area is a "Jump Table" that is used to dispatch the code.
; Only the functions marked with a "*" in their comment field
; are actually implemented. (Since this is a block device, only
; some of the areas are actually used.)
dw offset Init ; 0 * initialize
dw offset MediaCheck ; 1 * media check
dw offset BuildBPB ; 2 * build BIOS parameter block
dw offset IOCTLInput ; 3 I/O Control (Input)
dw offset Read ; 4 * read from device
dw offset ReadNoWait ; 5 read from device (nondest,
; no wait, char only)
dw offset InputStatus ; 6 input status
dw offset InputFlush ; 7 flush pending input
dw offset Write ; 8 * Write data
dw offset Write ; 9 * Write data with Verify
; dw offset OutputStat ; 10 Output status
; dw offset OutputFlush ; 11 flush pending output
; dw offset IOCTLOutput ; 12 I/O Control (Output)
; dw offset DeviceOpen ; 13 Open Device
; dw offset DeviceClose ; 14 Close Device
; dw offset Removeable ; 15 Removable media check
; (The commands above 9 are all not implemented -- we don't
; make entries for them to optimize for space (and speed).
; The equate TopCommand must be set to the last used
; command code.)
TopCommand equ 9 ; highest valid command
RBPoint label dword ; Pointer to request buffer
RBPointOff dw 0 ; offset part
RBPointSeg dw 0 ; segment part
SaveSS dw 0 ; save place for the SS register
SaveSP dw 0 ; save place for the SP register
R_EMM ExtendedMemoryMove <> ; EMM block for read requests
W_EMM ExtendedMemoryMove <> ; EMM block for write
EMM_Vector dd ?
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; The local stack
even ; make the stack a word-aligned area
dw 128 dup ('TM') ; HIMEM.SYS may need 256 byte stack!
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Strategy Entry Point For the Device Driver
; This routine simply stores the pointer to the request header
; so that request header has it. That's all it does. Really.
STRATPROC proc far
mov [cs:RBPointOff],bx
mov [cs:RBPointSeg],es ; just store the pointer
ret ; and get outta here!
; (isn't it ironic that the shortest routine is called "Strategy"?)
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Interrupt Entry Point For the Device Driver
; This routine executes the command contained in the passed request header.
; DOS has called STRATEGY, and that routine stored a pointer to the request
; header for our use. We will construct our own stack area because the
; XMS driver uses a great deal of stack space. (Up to 256 bytes!)
INTPROC proc far
PrintChar 'D'
push ax ; TMA
mov [CS:SaveSS],ss ; save the SS register
mov [CS:SaveSP],sp ; save the SP register
mov ax, cs ;TMA mod
mov ss, ax
mov sp, offset StackTop ; initialize our stack
ifdef V286
push bx ; save the other regs
push cx
push dx
push bp
push si
push di
pushf ; and the flags
cld ; set the string direction up
push es
push ds
mov ds,ax ; setup the data segment register
; Note that during calls we use DS to point to our local data
; and ES to point to the request header.
les bx,[RBPoint] ; get the request buffer
mov al,[rq.command] ; get the command
cbw ; word for jump table
; be sure that the command is in our range
cmp al,TopCommand ; fifteen is the highest for us
ja badcommand ; too high! # UNSIGNED! TMA
shl ax,1 ; (one word offset = 2 bytes)
mov si,ax
; fake a "short call" by setting the return address to the exit routine
ifdef V286
push offset BigLog
mov ax,offset BigLog
push ax
mov ax,donestat ; assume OK
jmp JumpTable[si] ; and hop to it!
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; We come here if we run into an XMS error. We'll set the "General
; Failure" flag, and return to MS-DOS
FreakOut: mov ax,(errorflag+err_general+donestat)
; general failure
; and error settings
jmp short BigLog
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Ran into an unsupported command - set the flag in the status word.
BadInit: ; A second INIT call is a NO-NO
ReadNoWait: ; those table entries are invalid commands
pop ax ; (forget about the short call)
mov ax,(err_unknown+errorflag+donestat) ; an unknown command err
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This is the mass exit; everone splits through this point! When we
; arrive here, the AX reg will contain the word to be put into the
; status word. We'll do that:
PrintChar 'X'
mov [rq.status],ax
; Now, we just undo the registers.
pop ds ; the seg regs
pop es
popf ; the flags
ifdef V286
pop di
pop si ; and the data regs
pop bp
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
PrintChar 'd'
mov ss,[CS:SaveSS]
mov sp,[CS:SaveSP] ; restore the calling stack
pop ax ; TMA
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This command checks to see if the media has been removed and replaced.
; Since a RAM drive is non-removable media, this command will always
; return a "false".
MC proc near
PrintChar 'M'
mov [rq.change],1 ; media has not been changed
PrintChar 'm'
ret ; return to leave
MC endp
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This command simply "builds" a BPB by telling DOS where it is located.
BBPB proc near
PrintChar 'P'
mov [rq.bpboff],OFFSET OurBPB ; the offset
mov [rq.bpbseg],cs ; in our CS
PrintChar 'p'
BPBArray dw offset OurBPB
OurBoot: db 0,0,0
db 'TerjeXMS' ; whodat?
SecSize dw 512 ; standard DOS sector size
SecPerCluster db 1 ; sectors per allocation unit
dw 1 ; number of reserved sectors
db 1 ; number of copies of the FAT
RDirLen dw 32 ; number of root directory sectors TMA
DiskSize dw 1024 ; number of sectors on the disk
db MediaD ; (media descriptor)
SecPerFAT dw 1 ; number of sectors per FAT
dw 8 ; sectors per track
dw 1 ; number of heads
dw 0 ; number of hidden sectors
OurBootLen equ this byte - OurBoot
BBPB endp
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This command writes the specified number of sectors starting at the
; given sector. It returns the number of sectors actually written.
; Errors are returned if the sector is out of range, or if the number
; of sectors
; is past the end of the disk. (The error checking is done in the
; TestValues procedure.) This procedure doesn't do much itself. It's
; body is mostly an XMS move call.
WSEC proc near
ifdef PCL
mov al,'N'
out 097h,al
mov al,'J'
out 096h,al ; display "NJ-W" on Smart-Vu
mov al,'-'
out 095h,al
mov al,'W'
out 094h,al
PrintChar 'W'
mov si, offset W_EMM
call TestValues
mov [si.DestOffset+1],ax
mov [si.SourceOffset],cx
mov [si.SourceOffset+2],dx
jmp Do_XMS_Transfer
WSEC endp
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This command reads the specified number of sectors starting at the
; given sector. It returns the number of sectors actually read. Errors
; are returned if the sector is out of range, or if the number of sectors
; is past the end of the disk. (The error checking is done in the
; TestValues procedure.) This procedure doesn't do much itself. It's
; body is mostly a call for an XMS move instruction.
RSEC proc near
ifdef PCL
mov al,'N'
out 097h,al
mov al,'J'
out 096h,al ; display "NJ-R" on Smart-Vu
mov al,'-'
out 095h,al
mov al,'R'
out 094h,al
PrintChar 'R'
mov si, offset R_EMM
call TestValues ; AX = Sec# Shl 1, DX:CX = TBA
mov [si.SourceOffset+1],ax
mov [si.DestOffset],cx
mov [si.DestOffset+2],dx
Do_XMS_Transfer: ; Common code for Read & Write
mov ah, X_Move
call [EMM_Vector]
or ax,ax
jz XMS_Transfer_Error
mov ax,donestat ; OK!
ReadClick label byte
jmp MakeClick ; finish clicking
mov ax,(err_general+errorflag+donestat)
mov [rq.Count],0 ; Tell DOS nothing done!
WriteClick label byte
jmp MakeClick ; finish clicking
RSEC endp
RangeError: pop ax ; forget our return address
mov ax,err_badsector + errorflag + donestat ; TMA
mov [rq.count],0 ; no sectors were read, you know
ret ; return back to the dispatcher
TestValues proc near
mov ax,[rq.strtsec]
mov dx,ax
mov cx,[rq.count]
add dx,cx
jc RangeError
cmp dx,DiskSize
ja RangeError
shl ax,1 ; 512 byte/sector = 256 Shl 1
shl cx,1 ; NrOfSectors Shl 9
mov [si.NrOfBytes+1],cx
mov cx,[rq.tbaoff]
mov dx,[rq.tbaseg]
TestValues endp
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This is a local procedure that clicks the speaker transparently. It
; is executed at the end of the TestValues procedure, which is excuted
; at the very beginning of the "READ" and "WRITE" functions. It is
; also JMP'd to at the end of the READ and WRITE routines, and the RET
; at the end of this procedure will return to the caller of the READ
; and WRITE functions. (Saves 2 bytes and a bunch of clocks, hey.)
; From here modified by TMA: Uses self-modifying code to decrease the size
; If no clicks, the init call will modify the PUSHF to a RETN, and save
; the rest of the proc from staying resident. The JMPs from READ & WRITE
; to this proc will also be patched into RETNs. This way, we don't have to
; test the SpeakerFlag at each call.
MakeClick: pushf
push ax ; yes, save the accumulator
in al,Speak
and al,SpeakMask ; mask out the bit we don't need
xor al,SpeakToggle ; toggle the control bit
jmp $+2 ; For fast PC's
out Speak,al ; and re-output it
pop ax ; retrieve the accumulator
NearRet label byte ; TMA Use this to get RETN opcode
ret ; return to the caller
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This label marks the last byte of the device driver that actually
; remains resident. This driver takes less than 800 bytes, guaranteed.
LastResident dw $ ; Current End Of Program
SpeakerFlag db 1 ; one if we should be ticking
JUMPS ; Non-critical code
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This command sets up the internal data used by NJRAMD. The procedure
; sets the XMS to get the number of kB that the user requests. (The
; information following the specification in the CONFIG.SYS file is
; parsed to find the user parameters. See the NJFRAMD.DOC file to find
; the format of the CONFIG information.) The procedure requests memory
; from the XMS driver
PrintChar 'I'
mov dx,offset Banner
mov ah,PrintString ; show our copyright!
int 21h
mov ah,GetDOSVersion ; get the DOS version
int 21h
mov [MajorVersion],al
mov ax,4300h
int 2Fh ; Is an XMS driver loaded?
cmp al,80h
mov dx,offset NoEMMThere ; point to our error
jne InitFail ; No XMS driver!
PrintChar '1'
; the XMS is present. It's okay! Get EMM_Vector to call
mov ax,4310h
int 2Fh
mov word ptr [EMM_Vector],bx
mov word ptr [EMM_Vector+2],es
mov ah,X_Counts ; get count of available
call [EMM_Vector] ; memory
; QEMM 5.1 or bl,bl
; jl GenFail ; general failure?
PrintChar '2'
cmp ax,16 ; At least 16 kB?
mov dx,offset NoMem ; print error
jb InitFail
PrintChar '3'
mov [HowMuch],ax ; remember how much is left
; We will now attempt to parse the line of the CONFIG.SYS
; file to see if any of our options are on it.
les bx,[RBPoint] ; get pointer to header
les si,es:[bx+18] ; get pointer to commands
EatingWhite: lods byte ptr es:[si] ; get the next byte
cmp al,cr ; is it a carriage return?
je EndOfLine
cmp al,'0'
jb NotPages
cmp al,'9'
ja NotPages
; We will handle the pages option by reading the command line until
; a non-numeric character. The resulting number will be the number
; of kB that the user requested.
xor dx,dx ; zero the result
sub al,'0'
mov dl,al
PagesLoop: lods byte ptr [es:si]; get the character
cmp al,'0' ; is it a number?
jb LastDigit ; nope!
cmp al,'9' ; is it a number?
ja LastDigit ; note!
push ax ; save the digit temporarily
mov ax,10
mul dx ; multiply it out
pop dx ; pop the digit into dx
and dx,0Fh ; make a decimal digit of it
add dx,ax ; add it into the sum
jmp short PagesLoop
LastDigit: mov [RqdPages],dx ; save requested number of pages
cmp dx,16 ; is the requested # of KB < 16
jb BadPages ; yeah! can't have that
cmp al,cr ; was that last char a CR?
je EndOfLine ; yes! end of the parse
jne EatingWhite ; no, go back for more parsing
BadPages: mov dx,offset TooSmall
BadPages2: jmp InitFail
cmp al,'-' ; is it an option marker?
je GotOption ; yeah! go process it!
cmp al,'/'
jne EatingWhite ; no... go back for more
; We are now pointing at the text of an option. We will
; get the option into the al to see exactly what it is, and we
; will then act accordningly.
GotOption: lods byte ptr es:[si] ; get the option
cmp al,'a' ; bump it to upper case?
jl NoBump ; no need to
cmp al,'z'
jg NoBump ; no need to
sub al,('a' - 'A') ; make it lower case
NoBump: cmp al,'S' ; is it a silence option?
jne NotSilence ; no...
mov SpeakerFlag,0 ; yes, it is. Reset the option!
jmp EatingWhite ; and eat up until end of
; this option
cmp al,'A' ; is it use all memory?
jne NotUseAll
mov ax,[HowMuch]
mov [RqdPages],ax ; request them all (KB)
jmp EatingWhite
Unrecognized: mov dx,offset BadOption ; don't install
jmp InitFail
EndOfLine: ; The parsing is done! We will now check to see if the
; requested size is bigger than the available memory.
PrintChar 'e'
mov ax,[RqdPages] ; is the reqested amount
cmp ax,[HowMuch] ; greater than available?
mov dx,offset TooBig ; error msg
ja InitFail ; yes, abort
; Now, we'll try to allocate that many kB. If the user
; didn't specify a number of kB, the default is 512
PrintChar '4'
mov dx,ax
mov ah,X_Alloc ; open a new handle of (DX) kB
call [EMM_Vector]
or ax,ax
jz GenFail
PrintChar '5'
mov [R_EMM.SourceHandle],dx ; save the handle for later
mov [W_EMM.DestHandle],dx
; We will now setup the information in the BPB to reflect the
; status of the RAM drive. First, we'll store the DiskSize.
mov ax,[RqdPages] ; get number of pages
shl ax,1 ; 2 sectors in one KB
; add ax,7
; and ax, NOT 7 ; Should be divisible by 8!
mov [DiskSize],ax ; store it in BPB
; Now, we'll figure out how many entries there will be in the
; root directory. We will allow 1 root directory entry for
; each 2k of storage that the disk has. We won't allow more
; than 512 root dir entries, though.
ifdef V286
shr ax,2
shr ax,1 ; figure out length of
shr ax,1 ; root directory
cmp ax,512 ; 1 entry per 2k of storage
jb BigBust ; up to 512
mov ax,512
BigBust: add ax,31 ; make sure it's a multiple
and ax,not 31 ; of 32 (round it up)
mov [RDirLen],ax
; Since we use a 12-bit FAT, we must have 4087 clusters or less.
; We will start with a 1024-byte cluster, and double the cluster
; size until we have enough FAT space. A user must
; configure about 3.75 megabytes of memory as a RAM drive to
; cause the program to use 2048-byte clusters... otherwise, the
; drive will have 1024-byte clusters.
mov cx,2 ; Two clusters per sector
; for starters.
ReTry: mov ax,[DiskSize] ; get the disk size
xor dx,dx
div cx ; AX = (DiskSize/SPC)
cmp ax,4087 ; is it less than 4087?
jb GoodCombo ; yeah!
shl cx,1 ; no. double the SPC and
jnc ReTry ; try it again
jmp GenFail ; 64kB cluster is an error!
GoodCombo: mov [SecPerCluster],cl ; save SPC number
PrintChar '6'
; AX still is set to the number of clusters on the disk. Very
; useful number, you know. We will find now the amount of FAT
; space that is needed.
mov bx,ax ; ax = clustsers
add ax,ax ; ax = 2*(clusters)
add ax,bx ; ax = 3*(clusetrs)
inc ax ; In case of odd # of clusters TMA
shr ax,1 ; ax = 1.5*(clusters)
add ax,511 ; To round up TMA
xor dx,dx ; (FAT Length)
mov cx,512 ; AX = ----------------
div cx ; (BytesPerSector)
mov [SecPerFAT],ax ; store it in the BPB
; The BPB is now set up properly. We will now "format" the
; RAM disk. First, we will have to set all the RAM area to
; zero. (Even on extremely large "drives", this doesn't take
; very long.)
mov di, OFFSET InitBuffer ; Make a block of ZERO's
push cs
pop es
mov cx, 512
xor ax,ax
rep stosw
mov cx,[DiskSize] ; get number of sectors on disk
shr cx,1 ; CX = # of KB
mov si, OFFSET W_EMM; Use W_EMM for all writing
; mov [si.DestOffset+1],0 ; Init to 0
mov [si.NrOfBytes],1024
mov [si.SourceOffset], OFFSET InitBuffer
mov [si.SourceOffset+2], CS
mov ah, X_Move
call [EMM_Vector]
or ax,ax
jz GenFail
add [si.DestOffset+1],4 ; 4 * 256 = 1024 = 1 kB
loop WipeOut ; if more, go back
PrintChar '7'
; Now that everything is zeroed, we will copy the pseudo-boot
; sector that we have. DOS uses some of this information while
; reading and writing the disk, so we set it up there.
mov [si.DestOffset+1],0 ; Init to 0
mov [si.NrOfBytes], (OurBootLen + 1) AND 0FFFEh
mov [si.SourceOffset], OFFSET OurBoot
mov ah,X_Move
call [EMM_Vector]
or ax,ax
jz GenFail
PrintChar '8'
; The boot sector has been written in. We will now set up
; the FAT. This task is rather simplified, since we only
; have one copy of the FAT.
mov byte ptr [InitBuffer],MediaD
mov word ptr [InitBuffer+1],0FFFFh
mov [si.DestOffset+1],2 ; 2 * 256 = 1 sector
mov [si.NrOfBytes], 4
mov [si.SourceOffset], OFFSET InitBuffer
mov ah,X_Move
call [EMM_Vector]
or ax,ax
jz GenFail
PrintChar '9'
; Now, we will figure out where the first directory sector is.
; *WARNING* - This code assumes that there is only one copy of
; the FAT, and that there is one reserved sector. If ya change
; the drive to have 2 copies of the FAT, or modify it to have
; reserved sectors (for whatever reason you'd wanna do that),
; you'll have to change this code fragment!
mov ax,[SecPerFAT]
inc ax ; AX = first dir sector
shl ax,1 ; * 2 for 256 byte blocks
mov [si.DestOffset+1],ax
mov [si.NrOfBytes], (OurVolumeLen + 1) AND 0FFFEh
mov [si.SourceOffset], OFFSET OurVolume
mov ah,X_Move
call [EMM_Vector]
or ax,ax
jz GenFail
; Initialize W_EMM.NrOfBytes back to Zero
mov [si.NrOfBytes],0
PrintChar '!'
; Phew! Now the whole thing is done! We will show the user
; what has been done. First, we will figure out what device
; tag that we have. We will tell the user about it. DOS versions
; earlier than 3.00 don't let us know what our device tag is,
; so we can't tell the user.
; TMA: First, check if not clicking, if so disable that part:
cmp SpeakerFlag, 0 ; is there clicking?
jne UsingClick
mov al, [NearRet]
mov byte ptr [MakeClick], al ; RETN opcode TMA
mov [ReadClick], al
mov [WriteClick], al
mov [LastResident], offset MakeClick + 1 ; Reduce RAM TMA
les bx,[RBPoint] ; point to the header, again
mov al,[rq.taglet] ; get the tag letter
add al,'A' ; change it to a capital drive letter.
mov [DriveName],al
mov bx,[LastResident] ; calculate used size
xor ax,ax
mov si,offset UsedSpace
call Bin2Dec ; store it in the messgae
mov ah,X_Counts ; find amount of space left
call [EMM_Vector]
or bl,bl
jl GenFail
PrintChar '"'
mov cl,6 ; AX:BX = (Space left SHL 16) SHR 6 = KB
xor bx,bx ; Zero low word
shr ax,1
rcr bx,1
loop @@1
mov si,offset Installed2
call Bin2Dec ; put it into the message!
mov bx,[DiskSize] ; get sectors of disk space
sub bx,[SecPerFAT] ; subtract space used by the FAT
mov ax,[RDirLen] ; get the entries in the root dir
ifdef V286
shr ax,4
mov cl,4
shr ax,cl ; divide by # of entries per sec
sub bx,ax ; subtract some more
dec bx ; and adjust down for boot sector
mov cx,9 ; multiply the answer by 512
xor ax,ax ; zero the high side
CalcDiskFree: shl bx,1 ; shift low side up
rcl ax,1 ; shift high side over, with carry
loop CalcDiskFree
mov si,offset Installed
call Bin2Dec ; store it in the message
cmp [SpeakerFlag], 0 ; is there clicking?
jne ClickOkay
mov ah,PrintString
mov dx,offset NoClicking ; tell the user that it's
int 21h ; been disabled.
cmp [MajorVersion],3 ; is it version three+?
jae MsgOkay
mov [DriveName],eos ; TMA Ver 2.x, so no drive letter
MsgOkay: mov dx,offset Installed ;print part one of
mov ah,PrintString ; installed! message
int 21h
mov dx,offset InstalledB ;print part two
int 21h
les bx,[RBPoint] ; get that pesky pointer
mov ax, [LastResident] ; show DOS where we end TMA
mov [rq.ndadro],ax ; offset
; show DOS were we end
mov [rq.ndadrs],cs ; segment
mov [rq.bpbseg],cs ; show DOS the BPB array
mov [rq.units],1 ; we installed one unit
mov [rq.bpboff],OFFSET BPBArray ; BPB array offset
mov [JumpTable], OFFSET BadInit ; In case second INIT call
xor ax,ax ; no return value
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Init failure
; We will come here if there is a failure during the initialization
; of the driver. We print a message letting the user know why we can't
; install, and we then zero ourselves out so that DOS doesn't waste any
; memory on us.
InitFail: push dx ; save the specific error
mov dx,offset General
mov ah,PrintString
int 21h
pop dx ; now print specific error
mov ah,PrintString
int 21h
les bx,[RBPoint] ; point to the request header
mov ax,cs
mov [rq.ndadrs],ax ; ending address is zero
xor ax,ax ; because no memory is taken
mov [rq.ndadro],ax ; since we failed
mov [rq.units],al ; no units, either
PrintChar 'i'
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; General Failure
; There was an EMM Failure during the installation. If such is the case,
; we will terminate with an error message, and then go to the regular
; fail routine.
GenFail: mov dx,offset EMMError
jmp short InitFail
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Transient Data Area
; The TDA contains the variables used by the Initialization segment of
; the device driver. It doesn't stay resident.
HowMuch dw ? ; amount of free EMS, in pages
RqdPages dw 512 ; amount of pages requested
; (512k is the default)
MajorVersion db 3 ; the DOS major version number
dw (h SHL 11) + (m SHL 5) + (s SHR 1)
dw ((y-80) SHL 9) + (m SHL 5) + d
OurVolume db 'Terjes_Disk' ; 11-byte volume name
db 000001000b ; volume label attribute
db 10 dup (0) ; reserved space
; File Time & Date
MTIME 23 08 40 ; 23:08:40
MDATE 90 09 30 ; 90-09-30
db 6 dup (0) ; more reserved space
OurVolumeLen equ $ - OFFSET OurVolume
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Messages
; These are messages that are used by the initialization section of the
; driver.
Banner label byte
db cr,lf
db 'NJ/TMa Ram Disk (C) 1987 by Mike Blaszczak',cr,lf
ifdef V286
ifdef PCL
db "PC's Limited "
db '286 '
db 'XMS Version 1.02 (C) Terje Mathisen ',??time,' ',??date,cr,lf
db cr,lf,eos
General db 'Device not installed.',cr,lf,eos
NoEMMThere db 'The XMS driver is not installed.',cr,lf,lf,eos
EMMError db 'XMS failure during installation.',cr,lf,lf,eos
NoMem db 'No free XMS Memory.',cr,lf,lf,eos
TooBig db 'Requested size too big to fit.',cr,lf,lf,eos
TooSmall db "Can't have disk size < 16kB.",cr,lf,lf,eos
BadOption db 'Unrecognized option encountered.',cr,lf,lf,eos
NoClicking db 'Clicking suppressed.',cr,lf,eos
; "Installed" marks the beginning of the information that is printed
; if the device is successfully installed. The beginning of each
; line has eight spaces, which are filled with the information by the
; BIN2DEC procedure. There is then one more space, so that the end
; of the number doesn't bump the first word... thus, a total of nine
; spaces begin the Installed, Installed2, and UsedSpace labels.
Installed db ' bytes available on RAM drive '
DriveName db '_:.',eos
InstalledB db cr,lf
Installed2 db ' bytes left in XMS storage.',cr,lf
UsedSpace db ' bytes of standard DOS memory were'
db ' taken.',cr,lf,lf
db eos
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Init Subroutines
; The following area contains subroutines used by the INIT procedure of
; the device driver. They aren't kept in memory after the device has been
; installed.
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This routine converts a binary number, in AX:BX, to decimal notation.
; It will convert up to 8 digits, and will supress leading zeros. The
; routine should be called with DS:SI set to point to the area to store
; the converted number.
Bin2Dec proc near
push es ; save the registers
push ds
push di
push si
mov WorkAreaL,bx
mov WorkAreaH,ax ; put the number on our scratchpad
mov ax,ds ; point to the answer with ES:DI
mov es,ax
mov di,si
add di,7
mov si,offset WorkAreaL ; point at scratchpad
Bin2DecLoop: push si
xor bx,bx ; done flag
mov cx,2 ; 2 words in our number
mov dx,bx ; clear remainder
add si,2 ; point to the high end
Bin2DecDigit: push cx ; save word count
mov ax,[si] ; get the digit
mov cx,10
div cx ; convert it
mov [si],ax ; store it back
or bx,ax ; set the done flag appropriately
sub si,2 ; point to next lower
pop cx
loop Bin2DecDigit
or dl,'0' ; make it into a decimal digit
mov [di],dl ; and store it
dec di ; adjust pointer
pop si ; get the pointer back
and bx,bx ; is the result zero?
jne Bin2DecLoop ; nope! Do more!
pop si ; retrieve the used registers
pop di
pop ds
pop es
WorkAreaL dw 0 ; low end of the work area
WorkAreaH dw 0 ; high side of the work area
Bin2Dec endp
InitBuffer label byte ; Use 1kB from here for init
driver ends
; That's a wrap.
; Special thanks to Bob Brody and Dr File Finder